This is for the "Purchase Now" option only. If you are trying to register for a live training event, visit the "Register" page. Live training registration includes the manual and access to the Members Site.
With the "Purchase Now" option, you receive the electronic manuals, access to the members site for 6 months, 2-hours of individual training (CE not included) and complete user support while you are a site member. With an active member's site account, Purchase Now members can attend a future live training event with registration waived. The MTM The Future Today Pharmacy Technician Manual and website resources include all necessary forms and training for your community pharmacy MTM program.
After the initial 6-month period, your membership to the MTM The Future Today Members Site will expire and you will need to renew your access by subscribing to monthly billing or pay for 6-months or 1-year to retain access to the online forms and resources.
Please complete this form for access to the Members Site and click "Order Now". You will then be directed to PayPal to complete payment.
You can pay using a PayPal account OR with a credit or debit card.
The Pharmacist Email will be used to set up the member's site account. Please check the box below if you would like the member's site account set up with a different email address.
If you know dates/ times you are available for the introduction webinar, please list those below: